10 stages of the Digital Marketing Plan

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Achieve goals with us

Análisis Dafo

SWOT Analysis

To know the current status of the company

Propuesta Única de Valor

Unique Value Proposition

What makes us unique or preferable to the competition?

A whole strategy for your company to achieve goals with us
We carry out an analysis of your company to obtain a detailed approach
We define an action plan according to the analysis carried out

Depending on the current state of your company, you can take one or more as needed
The cost is for each of the stages of the marketing plan

Definición de Objetivos

Definition of objectives

What do you hope to achieve and in what time frame?

Público Objetivo

Target audiences

Segment the customer you want to reach

Insights y estrategia de comunicación

Insights and communication strategy

Discover the customer's needs to capture their attention

Determinar presupuesto

Determine budget

Resources in money and time to invest in the project

Selección de herramientas

Tool selection

Depending on the target audience and the product or service

Plan táctico de acción

Tactical plan of action

What are we going to do with the chosen tools?

Análisis de Datos Webs

Web Data Analysis

To know if the proposed objectives are being achieved

Más Información
Plan táctico de acción

Plan Optimization

Thanks to Data Analysis we can refine strategies